"I got clarity and structure for my agency’s offers and was then able to increase consulting leads by 30%."
Alfonso Lavergne - Digital Chif
Learn the most effective business growth and marketing strategies for coaches and agencies
from The world's most practical small business marketing speaker and expert, John Jantsch.
Attend a training, put what you learn to action, and build or grow your business.
John Jantsch
Marketing consultant, speaker and best-selling author. He is also the creator of Duct Tape Marketing and the Duct Tape Marketing System.
Marketing consultant,
coach or strategist
Tired of chasing the next project? This repeatable system is the answer to attracting and retaining ideal clients.
Corporate start-ups & freelancers
If you're ready to take the jump into your own practice this is your proven fast start roadmap.
Agency owners
Stop competing for low price project work and start a real business with processes designed to help you grow and scale.
Fractional CMOs
Providing SEO or web design is a race to the pricing bottom - become a strategic partner with your clients and price goes down to the list.
It's so much more actionable and I believe it may change the way you think about starting a coaching business or agency or growing your current practice.
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