The Art of the Start 2.0

Art-Of-Start-2-674x1024Marketing Podcast with Guy Kawasaki

Officially a startup is any business just getting started but over the last few years the term startup has come to mean a certain kind of business just getting started or perhaps even a certain mindset no matter how old the business is.

Personally I lean towards the latter. Startup is more of a mindset than a timeframe and that can be a good thing and a bad thing.

Many startup businesses never graduate to become real businesses because what it took to start is not what it took to grow and mature.

For some the chaos of “everyone does everything” is intoxicating. For others the inability of the founder to surround themselves with people that support the gaps they might have in marketing, operations, finance and even leadership either leads to certain death of a kind of stagnant purgatory of just enough revenue to pay the bills. (Otherwise known as a job.)

My guest for this week’s episode of the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast is Guy Kawasaki, Chief Evangelist of Canva and author of the new book The Art of the Start 2.0, The Time-Tested, Battle-Hardened Guide for Anyone Starting Anything

In a testament to either my advancing age or strident consistency, I had Guy on this show over a decade ago when Art of the Start 1.0 came out.

Much has changed in the last 10 years and much has remained the same. In a note that struck me personally Guy claims that the hardest part of starting a business is learning how to lead and inspire others and I certainly concur.

By nature the very strengths the serve them getting started – things like tenacity, ingenuity and constant innovation (sometimes manifest as the idea of the week) are the things that sink them when they need to let go.

Guy is always a fun interview and The Art of the Start 2.0 is a must read of any – yes any – business owners or wannabe business owner.

Questions I ask Guy:

  • What is a Startup?
  • How do you make a pitch to potential investors?
  • How do you effectively build a team?

What You’ll Learn If You Give A Listen:

  • Why to hire people with complimentary skills to yours
  • How to raise funds for your startup using traditional and new methods
  • What venture capitalists and evangelists look for in a potential investment

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Art of the Start 2.0, Entrepreneurship, Guy Kawasaki, Startups

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